14 July 2024

É preciso uma sobrenatural contenção para manter enjaulado o teórico da conspiração que se acoita dentro de nós e não ver no episódio Trumpylvânia o sonho húmido de uma equipa de estrategas de campanha eleitoral: que imagem mais empolgadamente polissémica poderia ter sido inventada? *
Como imaginar a captura do instante no qual "a mão de deus" desvia um milímetro a trajectória da bala?
Apenas um detalhe intrigante: o que se passou com... os sapatos?...
* Edit (15/07/2023) - "It is a photograph that seems almost impossible: moments after a bullet grazes his ear, a former US president stands with his fist raised defiantly. The sky behind him is clear blue and an American flag flies overhead, fully in frame. The expressions on the faces of each secret service agents are clear and a smear of blood runs from Donald Trump’s ear to his cheek. (...) 'It leads you back in, almost like a vortex. Trump’s face is what you’re constantly drawn to, but then the action around him is like a frame,' says Earl, adding that the 'composition is fantastic'. The fact that he’s got the depth of field here means that all of the faces are pin sharp, she says, and so “you get to engage with what they’re feeling as well, not just Trump.” The arm on the bottom right of the frame shows the viewer that there is action happening around the frame, out of view, she says. The Atlantic called it, 'undeniably one of the great compositions in US photographic history' while a senior New York Times journalist said it was, 'The pinnacle of photojournalism. A perfectly framed and composed image of historic breaking news.'”


Manuel said...

Parece que a foto é do fotojornalista Evan Vucci, prémio Pulitzer.

João Lisboa said...

É verdade.

Anonymous said...

As teorias da conspiração são como a água benta, cada um toma a que quer.