Agora, fiquei na dúvida: isto será marxismo cultural? (é bem capaz de ser, os moços até têm um álbum intitulado Full Communism, obálhamedeus...)
Downtown Boys - "L'Internationale" (da BSO de Miss Marx, real. Susanna Nicchiarelli)
"2020 brought a new wave that none of us have ridden. From the necessary uprising in the names of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor to confront police brutality and the grieving and fight to survive a pandemic, what can keep us going is the reminder that so much of the pain of capitalism can only be confronted by the desire and urgency of collective power. We are very honored to be a part of Miss Marx, a film by Susanna Nicchiarelli that is a biopic about Karl Marx’s daughter who was an important but often overlooked organizer and writer. She led many women to take up their/our rightful power in socialism. We recorded this version of 'L’Internationale', a communist worker song, an ode to the global struggle and passion for a freedom bigger than ourselves. We also have other songs on the soundtrack including 'Wave of History', 'A Wall', and 'I’m Enough (I Want More)'. In the midst of this year, we are excited that we could be a part of this and may the future be on our side. We drove through Appalachia in a blizzard for 13 hours with a leaky tire to record this single in time. Wouldn’t take it any other way". (aqui)