(sequência daqui) "The Land of Cockayne is one of the oldest English utopias, even pre-dating Thomas More. For the feudal and downtrodden peasant class of the Middle Ages, troubadours singing of Cockayne offered a compensatory vision of unimaginable plenty without effort; where unending physical and gastronomical pleasure was on tap and no punishment was meted out for laziness. 'The Big Rock Candy Mountain', a song originally collected in the 1930s by John Lomax, updates Cockayne for the Great Depression's discontents. Fittingly, the song as recorded by Burl Ives in 1949, was one of the first singles in the new Americam 'folk guitar' idiom to hit the big time back in the Old Country. The hobo's paradise where 'there ain't no short-handed shovels, no axes, saws, or picks... where you sleep all day, where they hang the Turk that invented work' is a post-industrial iteration of utopia that sounded mighty fine to a grey, somber Britain licking its war wounds" (Rob Young - Electric Eden/Unearthing Britain's Visionary Music) (segue para aqui)
Harry McClintock - "Big Rock Candy Mountain" (de O Brother, Where Art Thou?, de Joel e Ethan Coen, 2000)
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