30 December 2022

Pussy Riot (feat. Slayyyter) - "HATEFUCK"

(ver video no YouTube; da mixtape Matriarchy Now + ver aqui)
"The audio-visual art piece 'HATEFUCK' is the next piece of Pussy Riot's ongoing 2022 cycle Patriarchy R.I.P. that revolves around a super(s)hero character who owns magic superwoman-like qualities & uses these powers to destroy the patriarchy. 'HATEFUCK' follows another piece from this cycle, 'PUNISH' released earlier this year. 'HATEFUCK' runs in tandem with Pussy Riot-curated exhibit Patriarchy R.I.P. that runs on billboards all across the US, mostly in red states. 'HATEFUCK' heroines, vengeful dominatrixes and goddesses, they serve justice by creating a hell on earth for sexual abusers, for privileged exploiters of marginalized, alienated and objectified groups. Created under the influence of Hieronymus Bosch's visions of hell". 

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