29 January 2022

"I’ve decided to remove all my music from Spotify. Irresponsible people are spreading lies that are costing people their lives. I stand in solidarity with Neil Young and the global scientific and medical communities on this issue" (Joni Mitchell)


Anonymous said...

Sejamos lúcidos, o reconhecimento que a Joni Mitchell tem, é pelo seu talento musical, que pessoalmente aprecio, não pela sua inteligência.
Mais a mais, Joni Mitchell baseia-se numa carta de 270 alegados médicos que teriam atacado Joe Rogan e a Spotify? Foi enganada por fake news, que esta notícia repete.
Investigação do dailymail (googlar para confirmar):
A veterinarian, a dentist and a podcast host? Majority of '270 doctors' who signed letter demanding Spotify take action against Joe Rogan are not medical doctors

João Lisboa said...

"Only 87 of the 270 signatories are medical doctors – the rest are from assorted professions including engineers, teachers, psychologists
Some of the other medical professions represented include a veterinarian, a dentist, a social worker, and several psychologists
Some of the other members of the medical academic field featured include physicians' assistants, a biochemist and nearly 100 Ph.Ds and Ph.D candidates "

Qual é o problema?

t. said...

Mais um capítulo da novela... Se a tendência se acentuar e se acreditarmos que os mercados governam, o Golias pode paradoxalmente sentir um abalo.

t said...

Faltou o link: https://www.publico.pt/2022/01/30/culturaipsilon/noticia/spotify-queda-acentuada-mercado-apos-diferendo-neil-young-1993614