24 April 2019

"The Problem is civil obedience" (Howard Zinn lido por Matt Damon)

"In November 1970, after my arrest along with others who had engaged in a Boston protest at an army base to block soldiers from being sent to Vietnam, I flew to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore to take part in a debate with the philosopher Charles Frankel on civil disobedience. I was supposed to appear in court that day in connection with the charges resulting from the army base protest. I had a choice: show up in court and miss this opportunity to explain — and practice — my commitment to civil disobedience, or face the consequences of defying the court order by going to Baltimore. I chose to go. The next day, when I returned to Boston, I went to teach my morning class at Boston University. Two detectives were waiting outside the classroom and hauled me off to court, where I was sentenced to a few days in jail. Here is the text of my speech that night at Johns Hopkins"


Anonymous said...

"The Problem is civil obedience" (Howard Zinn lido por Matt Damon)

Era o caos.

Passaríamos de um sistema de "exploração do homem pelo homem" para um sistema de guerra aberta e de muitas guerrilhas. Homem lobo do homem.


João Lisboa said...

... hã?...