28 March 2015

"Whoever fornicates with an effeminate male or with another man or with an animal must fast for 10 years. Elsewhere it says that whoever fornicates with an animal must fast 15 years and sodomites must fast for 7 years…. If he defiles himself (masturbates), he is to abstain from meat for four days. He who desires to fornicate (with) himself (i.e., to masturbate) and is not able to do so, he must fast for 40 days or 20 days. If he is a boy and does it often, either he is to fast 20 days or one is to whip him…. Whoever ejaculates seed into the mouth, that is the worst evil. From someone it was judged that they repent this up to the end of their lives"


alexandra g. said...

O coiso é de tal modo alienado e faltado de entendimento que, se lhe chegas ao conhecimento (isto do "Mestre" reiterado...) ainda te contrata para lhe apertares o cilício :)

João Lisboa said...

O Mestre não é alienado, é distraído.

alexandra g. said...

Sans doute :)