23 January 2009


Future Obama dog faces psych evaluation

"The Obama family wants a puppy, but international events have just increased the complexity of the presidential dog adoption process. Former French President Jacques Chirac was attacked this week by his Maltese poodle, Sumo, who as it turned out had been on antidepressants and had been characterized as unpredictable. This incident put the Obama security team on high alert, and will now require any dog prospect to pass a full medical, psychological and psychiatric screening before being given the opportunity to soil the White House carpet. White House Chief Veterinarian Dr. Elliott Axelrod told reporters that every candidate for adoption will need to go through a full security check and a risk management evaluation of their breed before they can be approved.

'Someone just told me that Caroline Kennedy withdrew herself from Senate consideration because she didn't want to deal with the vetting process', Axelrod said. 'But she would still have a better chance getting named to the Senate than becoming First Dog, at this point'. Axelrod acknowledges that the process isn't perfect, and that a dog that passes all the security requirements might not appeal to Sasha and Malia‘s canine preferences. For that reason he has counseled that the First Family adopt fish instead. His press conference ended when a reporter asked to see the medical evaluation for former First Dog Barney, who attacked a reporter late in the Bush term. 'Those records are not available', he said. 'You are barking up the wrong tree if you are suggesting that the former president taught the dog a bite command and then suggested that the reporter use that particular word in front of the dog'". (aqui)



Anonymous said...

Já estou a ficar ansioso com toda esta história. Quando é que sairá a decisão? Temos realmente hipóteses? Será que a nossa diplomacia está a fazer tudo o que pode? Já quando foi o Papa ficámos todos na expectativa, com 2 fortíssimos candidatos (o Policarpo estava seguramente à altura...), e levámos um balde de água "benta" e fria. Aliás, custa-me dizer, nem o nosso governo nem a nossa imprensa (com a honrosa excepção deste blog) têm dado o devido destaque a este assunto. Se o "portie" fosse espanhol, o Zapatero já teria ligado às filhas do Obama a enaltecer as virtudes do produto. Enfim, tenho medo, muito medo, de uma grande desilusão.

João Lisboa said...

"nem o nosso governo nem a nossa imprensa (com a honrosa excepção deste blog) têm dado o devido destaque a este assunto"

É preciso saber estar à altura das circunstâncias quando os mais altos designios da pátria assim o exigem!!!

Também uma certa intranquilidade me assalta... ainda hão-de começar a correr boatos de que o "portie" se mete nos copos e é propenso ao assédio sexual...

Anonymous said...

"Também uma certa intranquilidade me assalta... ainda hão-de começar a correr boatos de que o "portie" se mete nos copos e é propenso ao assédio sexual..."

Com a Michelle Obama na Casa Branca, não creio que haja esse risco... nem sequer ao nível dos boatos!