28 September 2017


alexandra g. said...

Se temos um pimp, temos putas, certo?

Passa-se que nem tudo é tão linear assim, que aquilo que persiste, além do silly con, é mesmo uma cultura de talho endeusando gajos de roupão de seda fumando cenas numa mansão num país de retalhos habitado pela máxima ignorância (isto alembra-me aquele senador - como é que se chamava, mesmo? - que se vangloriava de não ter passaporte...)

João Lisboa said...

Putas, sim:

"Of course, central to Playboy’s ideology is the idea that women do this kind of thing willingly; that at 23 they want nothing more than to jump octogenarians. (...) In Hefner’s petting zoo/harem/brothel, these interchangeable blondes were put on a curfew. They were not allowed to have friends to visit. And certainly not boyfriends. They were given an “allowance”. The big metal gates on the mansion that everyone claimed were to keep people out of this “nirvana” were described by one-time Hefner “girlfriend no 1” Holly Madison in her autobiography thus: “I grew to feel it was meant to lock me in. (...) If any of them left the mansion and were not available for club nights where they were paraded, they didn’t get their allowance. The sheets in the mansion were stained. There was to be no bickering between girlfriends. No condoms could be used. A nurse sometimes had to be called to Hefner’s “grotto” if he’d had a fall. Nonetheless, these young women would have to perform. (...) Hefner – repeatedly described as an icon for sexual liberation – would lie there with, I guess, an iconic erection, Viagra-ed to the eyeballs. The main girlfriend would then be called to give him oral sex. There was no protection and no testing. He didn’t care, wrote Jill Ann Spaulding. Then the other women would take turns to get on top of him for two minutes while the girls in the background enacted lesbian scenarios to keep “Daddy” excited"

Isto é a descrição rigorosa do que é o trabalho escravo - ainda que "voluntário" -, por exemplo, das putas de bares "de alterne". Como sempre, o problema não são as putas, que devem ser livres de faser o que quiserem (se o quiserem) com o próprio corpo, mas o chulo que as explora.

alexandra g. said...
