18 September 2011


When I was young
Coach called me the tiger
I always had
A knack with the danger

Living in fear in the year of the tiger

Italian shoes
Like these rubes know the difference
Suitcase of cash
In the back of my stick shift
I had to be the best of the bourgeoisie
And my kingdom for a cup of coffee

Living in fear in the year of the tiger

Oh America
Can I owe you one
Oh America
Can I owe you one
Oh America
Can I owe you one
Oh America
Can I owe you one

Living in fear in the year of the tiger



Anonymous said...

Esta St Vincent ainda mata alguém de ataque cardíaco
Plagiando um blog que li, com esta apresentação "St. Vincent continued her path to world domination"...

João Lisboa said...

"Esta St Vincent ainda mata alguém de ataque cardíaco"

Por esta altura, já deve existir um rasto considerável de vítimas.

Convém não desleixar os electrocardiogramas regulares.