01 May 2010


"What spark of humanity, of a possible creativity, can remain alive in a being dragged out of sleep at six every morning, jolted about in suburban trains, deafened by the racket of machinery, bleached and steamed by meaningless sounds and gestures, spun dry by statistical controls, and tossed out at the end of the day into the entrance halls of railway stations, those cathedrals of departure for the hell of weekdays and the nugatory paradise of weekends, where the crowd communes in weariness and boredom? From adolescence to retirement each 24-hour cycle repeats the same shattering bombardment, like bullets hitting a window: mechanical repetition, time-which-is-money, submission to bosses, boredom, exhaustion. From the butchering of youth’s energy to the gaping wound of old age, life cracks in every direction under the blows of forced labour. Never before has a civilization reached such a degree of contempt for life; never before has a generation, drowned in mortification, felt such a rage to live" (Raoul Vaneigem, A Arte De Viver Para A Geração Nova)



No vazio da onda said...

"A esperança é a trela do homem"-Raoul Vaneigem

James said...

Esse livro havia na 'Barata', traduxido para 'tuga', há muitíssimos anos.

A gente leu --- líamos tudo --- agradeceu, e depois fomos faxer umas 'coisinhas'.

Não há nada como realmente...


João Lisboa said...

"Não há nada como realmente..."

É o princípio do fim.