09 March 2010


“I still paint graffiti because I genuinely think the side of a canal is a more interesting place to have art than a museum. And the fact of the matter is, if you exhibit in a gallery you have to compete against Rembrandt, but if you paint down an alley you only have to compete against a dustbin. I guess it’s the art equivalent of hanging around with fat people to make yourself look thin. (...) I recommend graffiti to anyone, for no other reason than a trip across town is never boring — you’re always on the lookout for new spots and what you can do on them. Likewise, if you ever get bored going round a museum, the interest level ramps up substantially when you smuggle in your own piece under a coat and glue it up somewhere".(daqui)



menina alice said...

Aprecio muito esse rapazinho. Às vezes penso que me haviam de ter educado para ser assim transgressora também.

João Lisboa said...

Cada um é pró que nasce.

menina alice said...

Há bocado fiz um quizz no Facebook que se chamava: What type of career fits you? e o resultado deu A career in enforcement... Nasci para perseguir e censurar, nada a fazer...

margarete said...

"what are you looking at?" muito bom!

("A career in enforcement"... hihihi)