04 February 2009


Onde se expõe pontos de vista religiosos alternativos e criacionistas, se denuncia a conspiração ateia e, de um modo geral, se dá voz aos filhos e filhas do Senhor.




Anonymous said...

But why take them off during the day? Surely their souls are in greater peril at school or on the playground than when nestled in their beds. Must these children go through the day protected only by flimsy spiritual armor?

Let us have no half-measures for the Lord! Armor of God PJ's, 24 hours a day!

Anonymous said...

É engraçado, não há medidas para adultos...

João Lisboa said...

"Surely their souls are in greater peril at school or on the playground than when nestled in their beds"

It's the night, Chris, THE NIGHT!!! The hour when all Hell breaks loose and the Spirits of Evil threaten the poor little things!

margarete said...

('tou a ver que tenho de voltar cá mais tarde para vasculhar os últimos dias, parece-me tudo muito sumarento)

Anonymous said...

Cruzes. Canhoto.