08 February 2009


Onde se expõe pontos de vista religiosos alternativos e criacionistas, se denuncia a conspiração ateia e, de um modo geral, se dá voz aos filhos e filhas do Senhor.

The Church of Christ Kyrios

"The most outstanding doctrinal aspect of the Church of Christ Kyrios, that makes us Unique around the world, is the belief in Holy Spirit like a Person, who has his personal name Kyrios Zulu and is Black. According to the supernatural revelations plus the Biblical Prophecies the Holy Spirit is about to come in flesh, will be born like a black man into the Zulu nation, being the seventh son of the Zulu King".

"Almost 2009 years ago in a hidden corner of Palestine a Carpenter with 12 Fishermen his followers preached a new Faith. That now domains the hearts of millions around the word. In that 1st century,to preach that the Son of God had come as a humble worker and had been crucified nude like an imposer sounded no serious for many. Probably, if you were lived in those times your words had been the same.
That a group of believers, today be preaching that the Holy Spirit comes in flesh at the End of times-Theologically is not absurd. Christian theology is based on the Incarnation of the Son of God. Then, why not admit the humanization or coming in flesh of the Holy Spirit at the end of the times? Probably the most difficult part to accept is that Kyrios Zulu is coming like a BLACK MAN"
. (daqui via caixa de comentários daqui).



  1. não sei qual é a dificuldade de aceitação. depois do presidente dos eua, porque não o espírito santo?

  2. Future Bible Heroes ?

  3. Credo cruzes! O Espírito Santo é preto? Assim fica muito mais grave a traição de Maria e a desculpa que ela bolou para justificar a gravidez. Se fosse hoje seria ok. Está na moda.

  4. Estou desnorteada com a toalhita, respectivo posicionamento quase-discreto e o uso tão honesto das ferramentas de edição de imagem.

    E pensar que eu um dia quis fundar uma religião, quando o Mundo já nos deleita com tanto...

  5. "a toalhita, respectivo posicionamento quase-discreto"

    São os atributos do Filho do Senhor.
