09 February 2009


"It started as a way to keep track of some of the songs Lux, and or Ivy, mentioned in THE INCREDIBLY STRANGE MUSIC BOOK. It was never really intended as anything but a way for a friend of mine and me to have 2 really kick ass compilations. So we went about the arduous process of finding all the songs mentioned in that interview. It took a loooong time. We used the file sharing program, Napster, as well as our own personal collections. So, one thing lead to another and when word got around that these compilations were out there, they started being traded from fan to fan to fan. So, at some point I decided to put them up on Napster and let anyone who wanted them have them. As the years went buy, more interviews with Lux and Ivy kept popping up, and the list of songs they mentioned got longer and longer. This resulted in new volumes". (os onze volumes aqui).

+ "...an amazing interview with Lux and Ivy that Rex Doane conducted for his show, Fool's Paradise, back when HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER came out. This interview is essential for truly understanding the mythos of The Cramps. Yes, The Cramps made amazing music, and amazing contributions to the history of music, but to really get a good idea of where they are coming from, is to listen to the music that inspired them. If you think its all crazy rockabilly, you're wrong". (no mesmo sítio)



  1. Vai-se o Interior fica o exterior.

    A Lykke Li tem um CD interessante. Como ela viveu na montanhas do nosso querido Portugal o fado, essa amada música, perspira.

    Deixem jogar o Mantorras para que coisas boas sucedam aos portugueses!

  2. http://undeadfilmcritic.blogspot.com/2009/02/optical-illusions.html

    (ilusões ópticas)

    Esses volumes do Lux e da Ivy são um baú! Já os tenho todos.

  3. "Esses volumes do Lux e da Ivy são um baú! Já os tenho todos"

    Ainda só vou nos dois e apenas digeri um.

  4. Eu tenho ouvido em transversal...

  5. http://santa-nostalgia.blogspot.com/2009/02/anos-70-programacao-rtp-ii.html
