24 October 2023

"A Terra Prometida?" (VI): "My book, In the Shad­ow of Zion: Promised Lands before Israel, details six mod­ern efforts to cre­ate Jew­ish home­lands beyond the bor­ders of bib­li­cal Israel. Most of these plans were advanced by ter­ri­to­ri­al­ists — Jew­ish nation­al­ists who sought to set­tle a land oth­er than Eretz Israel. While con­duct­ing archival research, I vis­it­ed each of the poten­tial ter­ri­to­ries my work describes: Ango­la, Kenya, Mada­gas­car, upstate New York, Suri­name, and Tas­ma­nia. But there were sev­er­al oth­er plans for Jew­ish states I didn’t exam­ine, either because they nev­er advanced far enough to be con­sid­ered seri­ous pro­pos­als, or because I didn’t want get myself killed. Here’s a list of alter­nate Zions - Arc­tic Ocean Islands (1931);  New Cale­do­nia (1936); Baja Cal­i­for­nia (1933); Guyana (1938); Libya (1908) - for that sequel I’ll nev­er write"


  1. Ok! Quando um dia for a plutano, peço autorização ao autor para desembarcar e viver por lá. É que os terráqueos são fodidos e posso, se não fugir, ir para um campo de concentração. Obrigado ao autor pela visão historicista.

  2. Comentário incompreensível do ano. Parabéns.

  3. Filho do Plutano.
