22 May 2022

The last day at Azovstal, Mariupol, Ukraine (Dmytro ‘Orest’ Kozatsky)

"Azov photographer publishes his work just before being taken prisoner. 'That’s it. I am thankful to Azovstal for shelter - the place of my death and my life', Dmytro ‘Orest’ Kozatsky said in his Instagram post, published on Friday. The Azov regiment fighter made his photography from the sieged Azovstal steel plant available for free, asking for it to be shared as much as possible. Some of these photographs have already gone viral revealing the situation of Azov regiment fighters, notably the injured personnel. 'By the way, while I will be in captivity, I leave you my photos, apply to all the journalist awards and photography competitions for me. If I get something, I will be really pleased to learn about it after I am released. Thank you all for your support. See you', he wrote".

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