15 April 2021

(segundo David Thomas: "The first Pere Ubu record was meant to be something that would gain us entry into the Brotherhood of the Unknown that was gathering in used record bins everywhere")

Les Rallizes Dénudés

"Takashi Mizutani formed the group as a college student in the ‘60s, when (...) French culture still found devotees among postwar Japanese youth looking for a revolutionary alternative to Uncle Sam. That means: cool for these guys was ice cold. Deadpan as the Velvets or Spacemen 3, Mizutani and his bandmates identified with the loudest, darkest and most destructive aspects of psych-rock. Les Rallizes Dénudés is legendary for good reason, as you can learn in the Bandsplaining video at the top. One thing we do know about them is that a former bassist apparently hijacked an airplane for the Japanese Red Army Faction (then found asylum in North Korea), but 'it’s actually not the most interesting thing about them'" (aqui)

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