22 January 2020

Shirley Clarke - "Bridges-Go-Round" (1958)

"Bridges-Go-Round was crafted by Clarke from leftover project footage. In her hands, the monumental bridges spanning New York Harbor dissolve into flattened abstractions that seem to sway with the music. The dream-like quality is intensified by the vivid color, which was achieved by 'bi-packing', a process in which certain colors of the film original are altered by running the strip through the printer with a second piece of film. When rights issues threatened the use of the initial music track by Louis and Bebe Barron, who had composed the groundbreaking electronic score for Forbidden Planet (1956), Clarke asked jazz producer Teo Macero to develop a replacement. She liked them both and often screen the two versions back-to-back, as they are presented here"

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