24 October 2017

Comic relief (a propósito)

Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery - Pieter Bruegel the Younger (1600)

"Jesus came upon a small crowd who had surrounded a young woman they believed to be an adulteress. They were preparing to stone her to death.

To calm the situation, Jesus said: 'Whoever is without sin among you, let them cast the first stone'.

Suddenly, a lady at the back of the crowd picked up a huge rock and lobbed it at the young woman, scoring a direct hit on her head. The unfortunate young lady collapsed dead on the spot.

Jesus looked over towards the lady and said: 'Do you know, mother, sometimes you really piss me off'.


  1. Ó Evaristo, toma lá disto!


    É muito feio alinha com a manipulação da grande maioria dos órgão de informação, feitos com a geringonça.

    Bebe nas fontes!

  2. Claro, claro... "o que o senso comum entende". E quem não entende o "senso comum" é "jacobino".

    As fontes estão secas.

  3. OLha... mais "jacobinos": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCTig_qbCZw
