15 November 2016

"The elevation of Bannon to a powerful position in the White House is an epochal event in American politics, one that has been condemned by the N.A.A.C.P., the A.D.L., and many Democratic leaders, including Harry Reid, whose spokesman said in a statement, 'President-elect Trump’s choice of Steve Bannon as his top aide signals that White Supremacists will be represented at the highest levels in Trump’s White House'. The Republican consultant John Weaver, who advises Ohio Governor John Kasich, tweeted, 'Just to be clear news media, the next president named a racist, anti-semite as the co-equal of the chief of staff'. Weaver also wrote, 'The racist, fascist extreme right is represented footsteps from the Oval Office. Be very vigilant America'. William Kristol, the editor of the conservative Weekly Standard, asked on Twitter, 'Is there precedent for such a disreputable & unstable extremist in [White House] senior ranks before Bannon?'" (aqui; ver também aqui)


  1. Cá estão os tipos "normais" segundo a filosofia trump,que reflecte esta velha questão:se há anti-racista,porque não pode haver racistas(até para justificar ordenados e despesas correntes)? se há morte depois da vida,porque não pode haver vida depois da morte? se há gays,porque não pode haver anti-gays? e levando a coisa ao extremo,se há pardais,porque não pode haver anti-pardais? joão lopes

  2. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news-campaigns/306053-more-than-half-of-protesters-arrested-in-portland
