30 December 2014

"The Russian punk protest band Pussy Riot have released a fiery new video in support of anti-Putin opposition leader Alexei Navalny. After a long and controversial prosecution, a Moscow court gave Navalny a suspended sentence on Tuesday while sending his younger brother, Oleg, to jail for 3.5 years after convicting both on dubious charges that they both embezzled more than $500,000 from two private companies. 

In the clip, called The Witches of Pussy Riot Clean Manezhka, leading band members Nadya Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina join with two other political activists to sing and sweep Manezhnaya Square, preparing it for new demonstrations against President Vladimir Putin's authoritarian government. 'We're calling on people to follow the example of the witches and come out onto Manezhka and fly in the direction of the Kremlin', Tolokonnikova told BuzzFeed News on Monday night. The band sheds their trademark balaclavas for evening wear in this latest video, as they first appear seeming to prepare for an elegant night on the town. For Pussy Riot, that means grabbing brooms and tidying the square for protesters, who have already been cleared by Moscow police once Tuesday but are gathering now by the thousands in the wake of the verdicts" (aqui)

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