30 January 2014

Em abono da verdade

The Almanac Singers, 1941: Woody Guthrie, Lee Hays, Millard Lampell, Pete Seeger

"Meanwhile, Lee Hays, Pete Seeger and Millard Lampell had formed a group in New York, The Almanac Singers. The Almanacs wrote topical songs and performed for the unions and political groups. They also recorded Songs Of John Doe, a set of songs strongly opposing the involvement of the United States in the war in Europe. On June 22, 1941, Hitler broke a standing peace pact by attacking the Soviet Union. The pro-Soviet Almanacs immediately began to compose and perform passionately worded pro-war and anti-fascist songs" (Jeff Place, "The Music Of Woody Guthrie" in Woody At 100)

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