16 October 2013

"Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, one of two imprisoned members of the punk collective Pussy Riot, accused Russian authorities on Friday of imposing an 'information blockade' on her since she declared a hunger strike last month in a statement from prison hospital. 

Tolokonnikova, who ended the hunger strike after medical complications, had not been able to see lawyers or relatives for two weeks, prompting serious concerns for her health. She was allowed to see her lawyer for the first time only on Thursday. She said there were no medical grounds for her to be denied access to lawyers and visitors, suggesting this made it clear that isolating her from the outside world had been a political decision.

'I want to make a declaration to everyone who has a role in making the decision to put me in isolation', Tolokonnikova wrote in her statement, seen by the Guardian. 'If you think that without contact with my friends I will become amenable and open to compromise, and go back on the views I have formed about Mordovia's camps during my time in jail, then you are horribly mistaken'"


  1. há dias falaram-me disto e, como se fosse possível aumentar a admiração pelo boss, fiquei absolutamente fascinado (e arrepiado). de certeza que já sabias, mas tinha de "falar" contigo. já está.

    "Es ist schön, in Ost-Berlin zu sein. Ich bin nicht für oder gegen eine regierung. Ich bin gekommen um Rock'n'Roll zu spielen für Ost-Berlinern, in der hoffnung dass eines tages alle Barrieren abgerissen werden."

    "It's nice to be in East Berlin...I want to tell you that I'm not here for or against any government, I have come to play rock'n'roll for the East-Berliners...in the hope that one day all barriers will be torn down..."

  2. Sabia "disso" mas não sabia do livro.

    A propósito, confirmas? http://lishbuna.blogspot.pt/2013/10/blog-post_8416.html

  3. O Google translator acertou? Ena!...
