05 September 2012

Independentemente do tema principal, como é bom ver repetidamente escrito "Freud was wrong" e "The meaning of life might as well just be: neuroscience" (ou, em versão mais longa, "William James said there are these transcendental experiences that many people had, and he got that from a lot of interviews. And then various neuroscientists have been mapping out where transcendence happens in the brain. One of my favourite quotes about the book is from a doctor that I had asked to read the manuscript, who, when I said something like – you know, we're just talking about states of consciousness – he said, but the only way we have of experiencing states of consciousness is in the physical, which doesn't make them less real")


  1. por acaso, era simpático se, num destes natais ou aniversários, me oferecesses isto. a clara ferreira alves mencionava-o na crónica dela da semana passada e fiquei curiosa. fica a sugestão.
