28 February 2012


"Finally, we rented a place, The Townhouse, an 88-seat theatre on 44th Street. We put up flyers [Richard] Hell had designed. (...) We'd go up to journalists and ask them to come watch us, so we could get quotes. Terry knew some film people, and asked Nicholas Ray, the director of Rebel Without A Cause, to come to the loft to see us. Nick didn't want to. Terry offered him a gallon of wine. Nick said 'OK'. So, Nicholas Ray came down, and sat on the bed in his eyepatch, drinking wine, while we went through our ridiculous repertoire. We'd knock things over. If a mic fell on the floor, we'd lie down and sing into it. When the wine was almost done, Nicholas said, 'Well, I'll tell you, Terry: these are four cats with a passion'. Then he proceeded to pass out. So we used Nick's quote". (Richard Lloyd, acerca dos primeiros anos dos Television, à "Uncut" de Março)


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