03 September 2010


"Stephen Hawking says universe was not created by God" - In the new work, The Grand Design, Professor Stephen Hawking argues that the Big Bang, rather than occurring following the intervention of a divine being, was inevitable due to the law of gravity. (...) 'Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing', he writes. 'Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist. (...) It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going. (...) The fact that we human beings – who are ourselves mere collections of fundamental particles of nature – have been able to come this close to an understanding of the laws governing us and our universe is a great triumph'".

Afinal, nada que Laplace, há 200 anos, não tivesse já explicado a Napoleão:

Pierre-Simon Laplace - Madame Feytaud, 1842

"Laplace went in state to Napoleon to accept a copy of his work [Mécanique Céleste], and the following account of the interview is well authenticated, and so characteristic of all the parties concerned that I quote it in full. Someone had told Napoleon that the book contained no mention of the name of God; Napoleon, who was fond of putting embarrassing questions, received it with the remark, 'M. Laplace, they tell me you have written this large book on the system of the universe, and have never even mentioned its Creator'. Laplace, who, though the most supple of politicians, was as stiff as a martyr on every point of his philosophy, drew himself up and answered bluntly, 'Je n'avais pas besoin de cette hypothèse-là'. ("I had no need of that hypothesis"). (aqui)



  1. O que é verdadeiramente misterioso é como a Lei da Gravidade foi capaz de produzir o Mendes Bota.

  2. Tens de estudar mais, Manuel. A ciência explica tudo. E não terá sido, necessariamente, a Lei da Gravidade. Pode ter sido o Teorema de Pitágoras, o de Fermat... as hipóteses são vastas.

  3. O Hubert Reeves é que dizia que a montanha pariu um rato eheh.
