24 December 2009

(segundo "The Word" mas com aplicação local)

The Da Vinci Code

What's more depressing: the massive, heartbreaking success, the gormless movie or the dismal, soul-rotting, plain bad writing? If Catholicism is a conspiracy you'd have thought they'd suppress it. A great piece from the "Telegraph" on just how bad Dan Brown's writing is here.

Aplicação local: José Rodrigues dos Santos.

Guilty Pleasures

Flogged-flat conceit that gives music of a certain age a chocolate-advert patina of fake ooh-it's-naughtiness. We've even heard ABBA described as a guilty pleasure. To be clear: Sailor, The Carpenters and ELO made good records and that's the end of that.

Aplicação local: rever as páginas do "Público"/"Ípsilon" dos últimos anos.


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