01 November 2009

(GNR - "Hardcore 1º Escalão")

"New research published in the online journal PLoS ONE demonstrates for the first time that a non-human adult animal species regularly engages in oral sex behavior. While the behavior has been seen in juvenile animals before, this is the first time it has been observed in adult animals. Though it has been observed previously in bonobos (both heterosexually and homosexually), this behavior generally has been confined to juvenile animals, the authors of the new study note. The field research, which was conducted in Guangzhou City, China, reveals that in the case of the greater short-nosed fruit bat (Cynopterus sphinx) female species-on-male species oral sex now has been documented as a regular occurrence. Scientists observed that in instances where oral sex was performed, copulation time increased". (texto integral aqui)



  1. Não somos os únicos.
    Grande descoberta. As teorias sobre a sexualidade humana foram para espaço.
    Freud, agora, definitivamente já era.
    Somos definitivamente iguais aos vampiros.

  2. "Freud, agora, definitivamente já era"

    Neste particularíssimo caso, não sei: a fixação na "fase oral" e tal...

