07 May 2009


The first MacKenzie tape was recorded November 23 and December 4, 1961 in the home of Eve and Mac MacKenzie, friends of Dylan during his early years in New York City. The tape is fragmentary and often muddled. The story goes that Anthony Scaduto managed to surreptitiously record as much of the tape as he could while visiting with the MacKenzie's during research for his authorized biography of Bob Dylan. As the story goes, he had to hide his portable tape recordeder everytime someone entered the room. The second MacKenzie tape is more interesting than the first because by the time of this recording Dylan was already an established star. In fact, this tape (or most of it anyway) was made the very afternoon of the famous Town Hall concert, April 12, 1963. Like the first MacKenzie tape, the sound quality is dismal, but since it contains a few rarities like "I Rode Out One Morning" and "Long Time Gone", it's worth seeking out. The setting is informal and the performances offhand and relaxed. Some of the material at the beginning of the tape could possibly be from an earlier session. (entrada da toca do coelho aqui e, de outro coelho, aqui - agradecimentos a mister "x", duas ou três caixas de comentários abaixo)



  1. Ele está gordinho com cara de mexicano...

  2. Excelente blog cheio de informação interessante.

