04 February 2009


Onde se expõe pontos de vista religiosos alternativos e criacionistas, se denuncia a conspiração ateia e, de um modo geral, se dá voz aos filhos e filhas do Senhor.

ZOUNDZ YRM - Totally Radical Salvation!

Zounds YRM is a ministry aimed at teens and young adults that uses the rocking power of awesome music to reach out and bring the Word to those that feel traditional church services too boring or uncool. We offer Totally Radical Salvation for today's totally radical kids! Zounds supports straight edge living and abstinence until marriage, but we also support good times with friends and rocking out for the Lord! Our high-energy services are more like concerts, and when we Get Down, we Get Down on our knees and pray! Yeah!

Pastor and Lead Singer,
Fred "Skeet" Hoskins

Best of ZOUNDS: "Rock On Christian Soldiers"; "Our God Is A Rockin' God"; "I Get Down On My Knees (4 U, Lord)"; "No Sympathy For The Devil"; "Atheists (Got No Reason To Live)"; "The Evolutionist Blues"; "Y.M.C.A. (It's Fun To Pray)"; "A Goo Goo Goo, Jesus Loves You!" "There's A Peanut In The Pulpit (And He Can't Stay Still)"; (aqui)

TETRIS - A Torre de Babel comuna

THE GLORIFIED CHURCH - Welcome to the future of Church Worship!


ANTESTOR - "Via Dolorosa"

Antestor formed in 1990 in Norway. They released two demos early in their career, and in 1994 they recorded their debut album, Martyrium. They dubbed the style of their early work as "sorrow metal" rather than as black metal, because they mourned the fact that most of Scandinavia's extreme metal subculture was deeply involved in Satanism. (...) The band is christian and has received serious death threats because of this. (...) The Return of the Black Death was actually dropped from Cacophonous Records after the label discovered that Antestor held Christian beliefs. Because of this, there are not many pressings of the album, and it is now rare. It is still sold at some internet-based Christian underground music stores. (aqui)



  1. "Zounds supports straight edge living and abstinence until marriage, but we also support good times with friends and rocking out for the Lord!"

    Não é fácil, não é fácil...

  2. Muitos são os chamados e poucos os escolhidos.
