17 January 2009


(ou Portugal no palco dos grandes
debates políticos contemporâneos)

The first family dog debate goes on
Megan K. Scott/Associated Press

"NEW YORK — If you're a dog lover, there's one hot topic of conversation this week: the Labradoodle vs. the Portuguese water dog. In an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News' 'This Week', President-elect Barack Obama said Sunday his daughters seemed to have narrowed the choice for a first family dog to either a Portuguese water dog or a Labradoodle. Both are good candidates for someone with allergies, such as the kind his 10-year-old daughter Malia has. 'We're closing in on it', he said on the show, adding, 'This has been tougher than finding a Commerce secretary'.

But what seems like a light discussion about the new first dog is not without its controversy. The American Kennel Club does not recognize the Labradoodle, a cross between a Labrador retriever and poodle, as a breed. The club wants the Obamas to choose the Portuguese water dog, according to Daisy Okas, spokeswoman for the AKC. The Portuguese water dog is a swimmer that helped fishermen along Portugal's coast for centuries, according to the AKC's Web site. Sen. Ted Kennedy has made them famous. 'All dogs are wonderful', said Okas. 'But a Labradoodle is a mixed breed and its predictability can't be compared to a purebred. We think, especially for such a high-profile family, they need to know what they're getting'.

Labradoodle (o inimigo político da pátria)

Labradoodles were originally bred as service dogs, said Christy Westover, who breeds Australian labradoodles in Klamath Falls, Ore. The Australian labradoodle is a cross between a poodle, cocker spaniel and Labrador retriever, according to the Australian Labradoodle Association of America. She said the dogs are family-friendly, loyal and sweet-tempered. 'It's a great choice', she said. Stu Freeman, president of the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America, said he has mixed emotions. He loves the dogs, but worries that the Obamas will spark a Portuguese water dog craze 'Obama has one, I want one too'. That's how dogs end up in shelters, he said. Freeman, who has four dogs and for the time being a litter of eight, said the dogs are loyal, playful and loving. 'This is a dog, particularly puppies, that needs a lot of training'. he said. 'And that's a pretty busy family. I hope they can do it'.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals isn't advocating for either dog, but wants the dog to come from a shelter or rescue group, said Jacque Schultz, senior director of community outreach for the ASPCA. Obama said on the show 'we're now going to start looking at shelters to see when one of those dogs might come up'". (aqui)



  1. o labraddodle tem um ar demasiado simpático e dificilmente consigo olhar para ele como feroz inimigo da pátria...

  2. Se olhares com atenção, hás-de reparar no perfil assassino e sanguinário, uma verdadeira máquina implacável de extermínio!

  3. Isto só ia lá com um Chihuahua em vez destes cães mariquinhas. Obama começa mal.

  4. Não. Dada a crise, o cão ideal seria este: http://www.dkimages.com/discover/previews/946/85005471.JPG

    Um cão que parece que passou a noite a ouvir a discografia completa dos Joy Division.

  5. Confessando a minha falta de patriotismo: entre os dois o meu coração balança; é que o Labradoodle que escolheste é mesmo MUITO querido, joão. Onde é que foste buscar o ar assassino? Terás sido tu subornado pelo clube dos criadores de cães d'água? Recuso-me a acreditar...

  6. http://www.cantaportugal.com/content/view/4526/72/

    Ó velhos tempos deste cão. Outras políticas...

  7. "o Labradoodle que escolheste é mesmo MUITO querido, joão. Onde é que foste buscar o ar assassino? Terás sido tu subornado pelo clube dos criadores de cães d'água? Recuso-me a acreditar..."

    Quanta ingenuidade... mas não compreendes tu que aquela pinta de "MUITO querido" não passa do temível disfarce que esconde a besta fera insaciável e capaz das piores carnificinas?... são os piores, os "MUITO queridos"!...

  8. "Um cão que parece que passou a noite a ouvir a discografia completa dos Joy Division"

    Urban dogpressive.
