03 August 2008


(real. Louis Malle, 1958)

Ascenseur Pour L'Échafaud is a 1958 French film directed by Louis Malle. It was released as Elevator to the Gallows in the USA and as Lift to the Scaffold in the UK. It stars Jeanne Moreau and Maurice Ronet as criminal lovers whose perfect crime begins to unravel when Ronet is trapped in an elevator. The film is often associated by critics with the film noir style. The score by Miles Davis has been described by jazz critic Phil Johnson as "the loneliest trumpet sound you will ever hear, and the model for sad-core music ever since. Hear it and weep". (Wikipedia)

"Then I went to Paris again to play as a guest soloist for a few weeks. And it was during this trip that I met French filmaker Louis Malle through Juliette Greco. He told me he had always loved my music and that he wanted me to write the musical score for his new film, L'Ascenseur Pour L'Échafaud. I agreed to do it and it was a great learning experience, because I had never written a music score for a film before. I would look at the rushes of the film and get musical ideas to write down. Since it was about a murder and was supposed to be a suspense movie, I used this old, gloomy, dark building where I had the musicians play. I thought it would give the music atmosphere, and it did..." (Miles Davis) 



  1. Este é um dos meus filmes de culto. E foi através dele que conheci o Miles. Um dos filmes mais "cool" que há e que mais gozo me deu ver. Tenho a banda sonora (em cd).

  2. A banda sonora em CD (que reúne um porradão de takes que não foram utilizadas no filme - é essa que tens?) é óptima. O filme já o conhecia mas não o via, para aí desde o sec. XIV. Até que, recentemente, através de contactos no submundo, o consegui numa cópia impecável de um preto e branco luminoso.

  3. Por amor de Zeus refiram-se ao Roger Nimier quando falam deste filme. É preciso mobilizar os nossos tradutores para que façam o trabalho em falta.

  4. É essa que tenho sim. Em minha opinião os takes deviam estar no fim e não no príncipio (como estão).

    "contactos no submundo" ehehe

    Nunca vi um livro do Roger Nimier...

  5. "princípio"
